Enchiladas de Suzanne

pussy willows
cameraman Gareth at Denali
pianobarman Dave
Suzanne at Denali

The High One
April 29--that's more like it!
That's how many days a person has seen by the time they turn 50. I turned 50 yesterday. 18,250 sunrises and sunsets. That sounds to me more like geological time.
I guess that's why they call people my age old fossils.
Joe and his mom Suzanne prepared a New Mexican feast of chicken enchiladas, pinto beans, posole and home made red and green chile. Our little cabin was filled with people we had gotten to know in the few short months we've been here. Outside, our would-be fire pit got wet by the first rains of the year. It continues to rain today. With Suzanne we got to see Denali, willows in bloom, sandhill cranes, and snowshoe hares turning white to brown for the first time together. Joe and I received many cards and phone calls from those of you we left behind. We feel your love and we love you for it. I may complain about the new things--stiffening joints--and the same old recurring ones (shortness of funds), but I know in the grand scheme they're little things. Being connected to the world through the love you feel for others is the key to living life full on.
Presents don't hurt either.
And wait till you see my truly Alaskan birthday present:
It's a Sarah Palin "Going Vogue" refrigerator magnet fashion doll! More outfits to come...
Best gift EVAH!!!