Minnesota kind of went by, I admit. I don't even remember if we stopped to eat there. I don't think so, as our plan was to eat a big breakfast each morning, stop only for gas/pee breaks, and work our miles away to dinnertime. We stopped last night in Lakota, North Dakota, for a steakhouse we'd read about, and then decided to stay at the motel that came next to the steakhouse as we were full of steak and beer and red wine and blue cheese dressing. It was a good call.
We left Lakota around 9ish this morning and made it into Canada this morning and are now in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. We had breakfast in North Dakota and drove west past hundreds and hundreds of hayfields and several dozen windmills, got through customs OK into Manitoba and headed west/northwest until we got here.
We knew they were hayfields by the numerous large round bales of hay lying in the fields like so many giant metal cylinders. The newer ones are tightly wound of glossy dried grass that give off a sheen in the sunlight not unlike a large copper cylinder. The older ones are blackened and more haystack like. It seemed sad that so much effort and biomass from a previous harvest year was left to rot in the field, but we saw lots of them...
During the late afternoon we tuned into CBC and heard a great program about Indian music, specifically the Bhangra music of the Punjab. It made us want to eat Indian food, so when we checked into our hotel in Saskatoon we asked at the desk if there were any Indian places around. They couldn't find any within walking distance, so we went for sushi.
All you can eat sushi. If you are ever here and feel like a sushi dinner for about $20, stop at the New Island off Route 16 just on the west end of town.
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